How to make a Hand Drill Kit in DayZ

This is not a drill!

DayZ character in the middle of an abandoned city
Image via Bohemia Interactive

Crafting a Hand Drill kit in DayZ is easy once you know the steps. The Hand Drill kit is an incredibly effective tool in your arsenal and can make your life significantly easier on the server.

The last thing you want to worry about is how to make an item while you’re fighting off hordes of the undead or arguably meaner and more deadly real-life players. This is why memorizing the steps in this guide will be key to making a Hand Drill kit quickly every single time. With DayZ’s long list of craftable items, it can get overwhelming tracking each item required. Fortunately for you, DayZ players, the Hand Drill kit doesn’t require too much to get going.

What you need for a Hand Drill kit in DayZ

A Hand Drill Kit is an incredibly effective and efficient way to start fires in DayZ. It’ll help you cook quick meals in a pinch and can keep you warm in the process.

You’ll only need four items for a Hand Drill kit in DayZ. While it may sound like a power tool, all you’ll need is a stick and a piece of bark. You will also need a knife to cut the bark from a tree and it’s recommended to get kindling for the fire. The stick can be found in the various shrubs scattered around the map.

These are easy to find; odds are you’ll see these objects on the ground in your travels. There are trees galore in DayZ, so this won’t be a difficult task.

How to make a Hand Drill kit in DayZ

To make a Hand Drill kit in DayZ, you’ll need to scrape the bark off a tree with a knife. To do this, go up to the tree and press the button prompt depending on your platform and binds. This will begin the scraping process. Once you’re done ripping the skin off a poor tree, equip the short stick you found earlier. Then, combine the stick and the bark. The next step is to scroll down where it says Hand Drill kit, and then you’ll be able to craft it.


If you’re having difficulty on the console, make sure you’re holding the stick in your hands. Then look at the other while it’s on the floor. This should do the trick.

It’s super simple to make a Hand Drill Kit in DayZ. Just remember, people will be able to see your fire from a distance, so be careful.


Harrison Thomas
CS:GO, Overwatch, and Valorant Staff Writer - Played CS:GO since 2012 and keep a close eye on other titles. Give me a game and I'll write about it. Ranks are private information. Contact [email protected]